So guess what today is…drum roll please….





So my joy could only best be conveyed in the form of Supernatural gifs! ;D

It was exactly one year ago from today that I posted my first ever review, and thus Escape Inside the Pages was born!!! WOW!!! And now 68 followers, 137 posts, 169 comments, and 8,291 views from 107 different countries later, I am one years old and absolutely amazed by how far I’ve come in the blogging world!! To some that may seem small, but honestly it is way bigger than I ever dreamed of it being! This blog began out of a Summer break bucket-list that was meant to be a casual hobby but became an obsession and apparently became something that actual real live people read! Who knew? Of course there’s no way I would be able to do this with out all ye lovely followers, authors, commenters, bloggers, random people who stumble upon my blog while searching for random crap on the internet, and of course readers!!! Thank you for being you and doing all the things you do!!

I think you are all positively (read gif below):



It has been such a joy being able to talk about the books I fangirl over with the people who are just as head- over- heals in love with them as I am! I have met so many wonderful people and have read so many wonderful books because of this blog and could not have been more pleased with deciding to make it in the first place! Thank you to all those who have supported me and for all the authors who have blessed me with the gifts of their books! The book blogging community is wonderful to be apart of and I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!



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